(August 10, 2015) - University of Kentucky’s Susan Roberts, Associate Dean for International Affairs and Director of the International Studies Program for the College of Arts and Sciences, serves as co-editor for the journal "Progress in Human Geography." The journal received an Impact Factor (IF) of 5.010 this year, making it the number two geography journal rated by the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports.

The exceptional rating that "Progress in Human Geography" received reflects its importance to the domain of geography. Impact factors are calculated by taking the number of citations in a given year to articles published in the journal during the preceding two years and dividing that number by the number of articles published in the journal in those two previous years. Journals with high impact factors are those which have been heavily cited during a given period of time.
Roberts discussed the joy she has for her work as a co-editor, as well as her pride in receiving high ratings for the journal.
“I enjoy being an editor of 'Progress in Human Geography' because I get to work with the best researchers and reviewers. Through the review process I feel I am helping authors craft really strong papers that can make substantial contributions. The IF and the ranking are metrics we editors are quite proud of. They demonstrate that our journal is attracting and publishing work that is of interest to other scholars.”
Robert Rojek, publisher at SAGE publications, also conveyed his delight with the journal’s achievements in an email to the editors.
“I see this journal/publisher relationship as the model of collegiality. It is a joy to publish this journal with you.”