1. What do you do in your spare time? Spending time with family is my number one spare time activity. We love to travel and take our little boy to zoos and museums. We all also love going to Disney World.
2. What is your favorite movie or book? My favorite movie series right now is the Avenger series (Capt. America, Iron Man, etc.) A group of friends and I try to get together for each movie on its opening night and attend together. It has been a great way to keep in touch with friends that I don’t see very often.
3. Are you a cat person or a dog person (or do you like another species entirely)? I’m a dog person (I have a chihuahua) but also have 2 cats. Right now I also have an ant farm and a fish that are my little boy’s pets.
4. What is the most interesting/your favorite place you've been? Barbados for a 4 week term while at Centre College. It was a behavioral biology class and we studied green monkeys on the island. We trekked through jungle environments and climbed cliff faces while trying to follow their daily migration patterns.
5. What is your favorite food? Potatoes…many different varieties (mashed, baked, scalloped, fried, etc) but definitely potatoes