This podcast is a recording from the Russian Music Festival, which took place on February 28th in Singletary Center for the Arts Recital Hall and was presented by the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Fine Arts School of Music. The program follows. The Russian Music Festival was performed in conjunction with the current A&S intitative, "Reimagining Russia's Realms: Peoples, Arts, Cultures, and Homelands of Eurasia," which continues until the end of Spring 2013 semester. Special thanks to the College of Arts & Sciences Advisory Committee.
Sonata No. 3 in A minor, Op. 28 Серге́й Серге́евич Проко́фьев
Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953)
Edward Lee, piano
From the Ballet "Romeo and Juliet" Серге́й Серге́евич Проко́фьев
arr. Вадим Васильевич Борисовский
Vadim Borisofsky (1900-1972)
Утренняя серенада (Morning Serenade)
Сцена у балкона (Balcony Scene)
Танец рыцарей (Dance of the Knights)
Deborah Lander and Leigh Dixon, violas
Chialing Hsieh, piano
Idyll for Flute and Piano Yevhen Stankovych (b. 1942)
Waltz for Flute and Piano Amit Poznansky (b.1972)
Julie Hobbs, piano
William Cooper, piano
From Violin Concerto Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Canzonetta: Andante Пётр Ильич Чайкобский (1840-1893)
Trad. Russian Folksong arr. Raleigh Dailey
Bradley Kerns, trombone
Raleigh Dailey, piano