Out On A Limb -- The Science of Regeneration: Ashley Seifert
Research Rewarded: Marcelo Guzman
Chemistry Professor Marcelo Guzman was recently awarded a five year National Science Foundation (NSF) career grant to aid in his atmospheric chemistry research with students here at the University of Kentucky.
The grant will also enable Guzman to extend the reach of the university and chemistry department by strengthening and creating new connections with other institutions such as local high schools.
Tobii® (T120) Eyetracking System - Dr. Mark Fillmore’s Research Lab
A demonstration of the Tobii® (T120) Eyetracking System showing how the system tracks the movements of the eye.
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Driving Simulator - Dr. Mark Fillmore’s Research Lab
A STISIM® Driving Simulator used to demonstrate driving in an urban environment under the influence of alcohol and in the sober state.
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The Study of Behavior Under Alcohol - Dr. Mark Fillmore’s Research Lab
A cued reaction time task that examines how subjects react to alcohol images Beverage preparation for alcohol administration in the lab A field sobriety test administered in the lab The grooved pegged board: A motor coordination task sensitive to the impairing effects of alcohol
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