Frank X Walker: Writer, Teacher, Award Winner
Kentucky Poet Laureate Frank X Walker brought home the gold this past weekend, winning the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work in Poetry.
Kentucky Poet Laureate Frank X Walker brought home the gold this past weekend, winning the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work in Poetry.
Deceased English department member inducted into Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame
Wikipedia defines the subject as “an emergent literary and cultural aesthetic that combines elements of science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, Afrocentricity, and magic realism with non-Western cosmologies in order to critique not only the present-day dilemmas of people of color, but also to revise, interrogate, and re-examine the historical events of the past.” Professor DaMaris Hill and her student Nathan Moore elaborate on this definition and tell us about the course. More information about the class is av
Three University of Kentucky authors will present recent books about mountaintop removal mining, and the treasured landscapes and Appalachian communities that lie in its midst, at a book talk and signing Thursday, Feb. 27.
Shale is an on-campus literary journal that features poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, world language pieces and art submitted by UK students.
Kentucky Poet Laureate Frank X Walker, a faculty member in the Department of English, has been nominated for an NAACP Image Award.
The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees today accepted nearly $6.5 million in gifts and pledges, with a sizable portion directed toward two A&S departments.
An essay by Lisa Zunshine, a University of Kentucky professor of English, appears in the Dec. 13 edition of The Chronicle Review.
Recently, undergraduates from the departments of biology, english, history, mathematics, political science, and sociology received Oswald Awards for Research and Creativity.