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international studies

My Map is Better than Yours: Competitive Cartography in China/Japan Territorial Dispute over Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands in East China Sea


This event is sponsored by the Confucius Institute, Department of Geography, International Studies and Japan Study Program, and China Program in the College of Arts and Sciences.

201 White Hall Classroom Building

Fair Trade or Trading Bad?


About The Talk: "Networks and north–south partnerships have become prerequisites for much research funding in policy-relevant fields. The objectives vary but usually include levelling the scholarly playing field, improving research quality, building southern capacity and relaying southern perspectives to northern policymakers. Reflecting on a decade’s work in Southern Africa, this paper suggests such initiatives often fall short of their objectives."



Niles Gallery

Panel Discussion: The Promise and Perils of Populism - Global Perspectives

Please join us for a panel discussion of "The Promise and Perils of Populism - Global Perspectives" (University Press of Kentucky)

A new book edited by Carlos de la Torre
Moderated by: Emily Beaulieu, Department of Political Science, University of Kentucky
Panelists: Carlos de la Torre, Cas Mudde, School of Public and International Affairs, University of Georgia, contributor; Cristóbal Rovira, School of Political Science, Diego Portales University (Chile) contributor; Ron Formisano, William T. Bryan Professor of American History, University of Kentucky.
Reception in the lobby to follow.
James F. Hardymon Theatre in the David Marksbury Building

Messy Little Wars

An expert in U.S. foreign relations in the Middle East since 1940 will discuss the historical foundations of the current crises in the region at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 20, in the UKAA Auditorium of the W.T. Young Library.

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