Creative Staff Support in International Studies: Kari Burchfield
Kari Burchfield works with A&S Interdisciplinary Programs and the International Studies Program and is also acting as staff support for the upcoming Year of China Initiative.
Kari Burchfield works with A&S Interdisciplinary Programs and the International Studies Program and is also acting as staff support for the upcoming Year of China Initiative.
Corrine Price, an undergraduate senior, worked as an intern at the Saartijie Baartman Centre for Women and Children, a domestic violence shelter in Cape Town, South Africa. The trip was sponsored by the University of Kentucky and was in conjunction with the Kentucky and South Africa Initiative: "Different Lands, Common Ground."
Monica Udvardy, a professor in the Department of Anthropology and the director of the International Studies Program, discusses where interdepartmental collaborative efforts could take the College of Arts & Sciences in the years to come.
International Studies Undergraduate
International Studies Sophomore
International Studies Student