Cynthia A. Ruder
Ph.D. Cornell University, MA Cornell University, BA Colgate University
Specializes in Russian language pedagogy and Soviet literature & culture of the 1930s.
Published: Making History for Stalin: The Story of the Belomor Canal.
Most recent book: Building Stalinism: The Moscow Canal & the Creation of Soviet Space, I.B. Tauris, 2018.
Listen to Professor Ruder discuss her research on this podcast
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While I like to teach all levels of Russian Language, my favorite course is Beginning Russian. Currently I teach first-year and sometimes second-year Russian. In addition, I offer a course on 20-21st-Century Soviet & Russian Literature, a Seminar on the Soviet Gulag, and less frequently a Seminar on Stalinist Culture that I team-teach with Prof. Karen Petrone in the History Department. I enthusiastically support Education Abroad, administer the Russian Studies Education Abroad Scholarship, and work with students to gain external funding for study abroad.