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Past Events

Calendar | Event List | Past Events

Speaker(s) / Presenter(s) Date
"What are the Limits to Capitalism?," Committee on Social Theory Public Lecture Dr. Alex Callinicos -
"The Nature of Famines," Committee on Social Theory Public Lecture Dr. Cormac O'Grada -
"The Crisis in Market Regulation," Committee on Social Theory Public Lecture Greta Krippner -
"Lessons of the Great Depression" Comittee on Social Theory Public Lecture Peter Temin -
A Geography of Small Spaces Swati Chattopadhyay -
Table, Map and Text: Writing in France circa 1600 Tom Conley -
The Urban Age in Question Neil Brenner -
Derek Gregory, University of British Columbia: “Gabriel's War: Cartography and the Changing Art of War " -