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Ghosts of Doctors Past with Melissa Stein

Medical standards and procedures have been sharply influenced by the past - shaped by social context and a great deal of trial and error. A new course, GWS 309: Health, History, & Human Diversity, will focus on how health care and the medical field has been shaped around social constructions of gender, race, and diversity throughout its history, continuing to play a role in contemporary medicine.

Visiting Professor to Offer Short Course on Resistance and Hegemony in Mexican Politics

Spring 2014 Short Course (Feb. 12 – March 2)
This short course, offered by visiting professor Ricardo Macip, focuses on the major tenets and effects of a radical transformation in Mexico. Started as a response to a financial crisis, what has been identified broadly as a “neoliberal” project effectively changed the productive forces and property structure of the post-revolutionary state.

Decoding Disasters: the Psychology of Calamity with Melody Carswell

Chernobyl, the Deepwater Horizon, the Titanic... each name is associated with disaster - and human error - and UK psychologist Melody Carswell wants to examine each accident from a unique investigative perspective. In her class, A&S 300-003, "Disaster: The Human Factor," students will learn how principles of cognitive psychology can be used to identify and reduce both extraordinary and everyday errors. 

Succeed In Sociology

If you are taking SOC 101 this semester, you will want to participate in this discussion of how to excel in sociology by learning to see the world through a sociological lens. Like all other disciplines, sociology has a lot of specific content, but the students who do best are those who develop the ability to use sociological insights to look at the world in a different way. For that reason, courses in sociology often put considerable emphasis on the development of a "Sociological Imagination". Come meet faculty and gain insight on how to succeed in sociology courses while using them as a basis for the meaningful exploration of new ideas.

231 Student Center
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