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Stones of Fire and Sky: A Social History of Ancient Maya Lithic Artifacts


Please join the Department of Anthropology for the Archaeology Rountable event “Stones of Fire and Sky: A Social History of Ancient Maya Lithic Artifacts” featuring Dr. Zachary Hruby from the Deptartment of Anthropology at College of the Redwoods. 

Lafferty Hall room 108

A Layered Look: Alumna Audrey Rooney

Audrey Rooney received a doctoral degree from the Department of History in 1997. Her dissertation was a biography of the Ottonian cathedral of St. Mauritius in Magdeburg, Germany, and her research prior to that included a variety of subjects within art history, including studying the drawings beneath frescoes. In this podcast, Rooney reflects on her experiences as a doctoral student and researcher, and how the University of Kentucky is a cultural resource for students and community members alike. 

“Feebler Voices?” Men in the American Women's Rights Movement, 1830-1890


WHAT: “Feebler Voices?” Men in the American Women's Rights Movement, 1830-1890

WHO: Professor Hélène Quanquin, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3)

WHERE: Niles Gallery, Lucile Little Fine Arts Library

WHEN: Monday, August 27th 3:00 pm


Professor Hélène Quanquin (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3) is a well-regarded historian of American culture with particular expertise on the history of feminism in the US, the history of American reform, and the history of masculinity in the US. Professor Quanquin will be on campus as part of the Global Connections initiative, a project which links courses at UK to courses taught at universities around the world. As part of this program, Professor Quanquin is team-teaching with Professor Kathi Kern History 405: The History of Women in the United States, 1900-present, offered this fall.


Professor Quanquin’s lecture is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the University of Kentucky History Department.


Niles Gallery, Lucille Little Fine Arts Library
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