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Carving a Path to Success: Alumnus Jim Shields

Jim Shields graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1974 and currently serves as Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer for Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, a company that develops and markets prescription medications. In this podcast, Shields talks about his academic choices at the University of Kentucky and how they prepared him for his career. 

Shields was interviewed by Lauren Kidd. 

This podcast was produced by Cheyenne Hohman.


Composition, Design, and Intent: Arturo Sandoval

Arturo Sandoval, a professor in the College of Fine Arts, discussed representations of beauty and diversity through the work of Appalachian quilt artists. He used the international art quilt competition Quilt National biannual as his main research reference. Quilt National is described as a trendsetter in the fiber art fild and displays the most important and innovative art quilts from around the world. Sandoval's presentation guided attendees through a variety of fiber arts and mixed media quilts.

From Japanese to a Job: An Interview with Recent Graduate Kenneth Taylor

Recent UK  graduate Kenneth Taylor had been interested in Japanese since high school, so when the College of Arts & Sciences began offering a full degree program for the Japanese Language, Kenneth couldn't turn the opportunity down, nevermind that he was already studying mechanical engineering. In this podcast, Kenneth discusses why he chose Japanese Studies and Mechanical Engineering and what he is doing with his degrees.


Watching the Transit of Venus at UK Arboretum

Stargazing is typically reserved for after sundown, but what if you want to look at the biggest star in the sky? On June 5th, 2012, the planet Venus was visible by day – traveling in front of the sun! This is called the Transit of Venus, and is a rare astronomical event. A few hundred people gathered at the UK Arboretum to view the transit of Venus through special telescopes that allow safe observation of solar activity.

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