Geography Colloquium Spring 2014
Karl Raitz (University of Kentucky)
Revisiting Rock Fences of the Bluegrass
Mark Fonstad (University of Oregon)
The Re-enchantment of Photography as a Primanry Geographic Mapping Medium
Marcia England (Miami University)
Bound and gagged: The fetishization of immobility in John Willie's Bizarre
Jon Otto (University of Kentucky)
Creating Desires and Configuring Habits: Building the Future of Carbon Forestry in Chiapas, Mexico
Jonathan Phillips (University of Kentucky)
Nonlinear Postcards From the Edge: Thersholds and Tipping Points in Geomorphology
Joel Wainwright (Ohio State University)
"Climate Leviathan"
Heather Golden (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Watershed processes and environmental change: how future variations in land cover, atomospheric deposition, and climate could affect hydrology and pollutants?
Lize Mogel (Independent artist/writer)
"Counter-cartographies: mapping, art, and the political."
Co-sponsored by the School of Art and Visual Studies