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Anthropology Students at Shaker Village Time Lapse

Kim McBride, anthropology professor and co-director of the Kentucky Archaeological Survey, taught Anthropology 585: Field Methods in Archaeology at the Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, 25 miles southwest of Lexington. Students enrolled in the six-week course excavated, collected artifacts and interpreted findings from the sites of two early 19th century Shaker buildings from May 8-June 19. Read more:

Anthropology Students Time Lapse: Shaker Village Archaeological Dig

Kim McBride, anthropology professor and co-director of the Kentucky Archaeological Survey, taught Anthropology 585: Field Methods in Archaeology at the Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, 25 miles southwest of Lexington. Students enrolled in the six-week course excavated, collected artifacts and interpreted findings from the sites of two early 19th century Shaker buildings from May 8-June 19. Read more:
Ahead of the Curve: High School Students Join Susan Odom's Lab

High School students Nina Elliott, and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Walsh joined assistant professor Susan Odom in her chemistry lab, a partnership made possible through Paul Laurence Dunbar High School's Math, Science, and Technology Center.

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